Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coffee Shops Essay

1. To describe consumers’ decision making in different market segments when they choose retailers of coffee using CDP. 2. To identify additional research that should be conducted to validate assumption about consumer decisions at each stage of the CDP model. 3. To learn how to organize marketing program should be provide for our customers after recognize their decision making process. 4. To see the impact of brand positioning to the consumers decision making. 5. To recommend marketing strategy after learn about consumers decision making process. 1. 0 Summary 2. 0Problem Identification Figure 1: Crimson Cup market segments As a wholesaler of coffee and tea and a provider of marketing programs to independent coffee shops and retailers, CrimsonCup has experienced growth over the past decade and is within range of becoming the nation’s second- or third-largest alternative to Starbucks. Figure 1 show about the segmentation of the Crimson Customers which divided into primary customers and ultimate customers. Primary customers are the independent coffee shops, grocery and restaurant. However the ultimate customers are divided into two groups; first is the consumers that buy the coffee from the primary customers and brewing at home; second is the consumers go to the coffee shops to drink coffee. The important of understanding of the ultimate customers are very important because the demand of the primary customers comes from the demand of ultimate customers as consumers. This company branding mission has focused on creating the independent retailer as the brand, rather than the product supplier. The CrimsonCup brand is featured on packaged coffee sold by retailers for office or home consumption, on mugs and cups provided to retailers and in some other promotional materials, and the firm is now considering the issue of weather it should be more aggressive in its promotion of the CrimsonCup or Coffee for Independent Thinkers brands as well as how best to develop its strategy of helping the independent coffee shops it serves. In understanding of the consumers’ wants and need, they search for many information and from the case, there is one consumer research already give some result about coffee consumption that made the university students or people that closely related to the university environment as focus group. The information get from this research need some additional approval from others finding to made their assumption about the behavior of the consumers to the Crimson Cup product or information related to the coffee consumption will be more meaningful to understand the attitudes of the consumers. By using the consumer decision making model, we are trying to analyze the consumer behavior in consuming coffee and make our recommendations about what strategy should be focus by this company and to suggest some alternatives to solve their problems and to get more opportunities in this industry. 3. 0Analysis We are using the consumers’ decision making model to analyze the consumer behavior of this company. 3. 1Market Segmentation Evaluation The differences of consumers in making decision will make them divided into difference segments in the market. Before we continue to discuss about the consumer decision making process that shows in figure 2, we underline first the environmental influences and individual differences because this two elements in the CDP’s model will be important to most of part in the consumer decision making process. Environmental Influences We found that the environmental influences for this product are culture, family and situation: 1. Culture: The customer segments in this case change over the past year. The American coffee culture brought on by an insurgence of gourmet coffee retailers and than evolved to a point where â€Å"getting a coffee, going out for coffee, is our little space in the workday to call our own†. The evolution of the culture show that how important of coffee in the American culture and they consume it anytime that more than just take the coffee in their breakfast early in the morning. 2. Family: From the research, one of important factors that influence purchasing decision is recommendation from family or friends. 3. Situation: The consumption of coffee in this market segments can also influence by occasion factor means when the whether at that time in winter, they will take more coffee rather than during summer. Figure 2: Consumer Decision Process Model Individual Differences 1. Consumer resources will make individual influences because the consumers in this case have different resources especially time, students or people that working in the university will have limited time to spend for searching location for the coffee shops. They will choose the nearer shops to take a little break to make them fresh. For the money resources, they are not constraint of it because from the research price is at sixth factor that encourage them to buy the coffee and seventh factors that discouraged them to not take it. We can predict that, the consumers in this coffee drink market are not price sensitive because of enough money resources. 2. Attitudes: The beliefs and feeling that more on quality and convenience place when they consume the coffee will make differences to their individual factors. Percent Beliefs and feeling 1. 58 Regularly buy coffee at coffee shop said coffee shops offer better-quality coffee. 2. 33 They think coffee shops sell better coffee than those of their competitors 3. 37 Purchase their coffee at coffee shops instead brewing it at home normally goes to the closest one. 4. Personality: person that need more energy and have busy lifestyle will take more coffee rather than people that consume it because of social activities like to spend time with their friends with coffee. 3. 2Need Recognition. Consumers in the coffee market will start recognize that they need to take a cup of coffee at least when there is environmental influences occurs, when their mind set that they must take coffee as the term as ‘consumption norms’ in their culture, they will need to take it anytime. That is the reason why the American will take coffee not only in the morning like Malaysian in their breakfast but anytime when it crosses to their mind. They also will take coffee more in the winter season because their need to make themselves hot and tasty, as well as the routine and tradition of sharing a drink with friends as a social event. For individual differences, the need of the student and people in the university will be differences each of them depends on their psychological affect that when they want to have energy or avoid sleepy when they doing their work, they have to take a coffee. The need recognition for this group will be high when they have many assignments that must be done every time and have to stay up at night. 3. 3Search When the consumers had need recognition process in their mind, they will start with making internal search. In their memory will have some information when they are exposing and have retention to some coffee brand before in their mind. Marketer must stimuli the consumer memory with their activity and non-marketer also give some conformation in this process that consider as external search. Even from the research said that brand is not factors that really encourage or discourage them to choose the coffee but how the marketers positioning their brand still are important. In this case, the marketers generally make TV commercials, store displays, give free samples in the mall and fliers and newspaper coupons to influence the consumers but approach that use by the Crimson Cup to position their product using: 1. Their position statement is â€Å"coffee for Independent Thinkers† as approval to consumers that they will get quality drinks in a clean and friendly environment. From the report said, â€Å"People see ‘coffee for independent Thinkers’ and come in to the coffee house. They like the message. † 2. The Crimsoncup believe that quality can make consumers perceive more better to their product and because of that, they offer quality coffee bean that: Have Fair Trade Certified Organic coffee are certified by USDA (Quality Certification Services) Signature blends. Flavored coffees in light, medium, and dark roasts with Class I Specialty Grade Coffee. Non-marketer also will stimuli them because in this case, word-of-mouth from other people experience will influence them to get information about a new coffee house. Recommendation from family and friends also will influence them to choose the coffee shops. The more effective stimuli expose to the consumer the more intention the brand will be keep it the memory of the consumers. 3. 4Pre-Purchase Evaluation of Alternatives Again this process will influence by environmental influences and individual differences. If they have and experience before with satisfaction after consume the coffee drink, positive reinforcement will be happened to encourage them to use this information in the pre-purchase evaluation alternatives process. But the most important element here is the influence or recommendation from the family and friends to choose the coffee shops or to buy the coffee brands. Here, factor that encourage and discourage will be play in the consumer mind while making evaluation. Research finding is like table 1 and table 2 that mention about factors encourage and discouraged consumers to return to the coffee shops. Table 1: Factors encourage consumers to return to the store Factor Description Score 1. Location Highest score show that the consumers prefer to choose the closest store/shops. 6. 6 2. Taste – 6. 43 3. Atmosphere When going for social reason, atmosphere is important, but less when going alone. 6. 04 4. Price Ranked fifth 5. 19 5. Brand For a favored brand was a reason to purchase coffee for office or home use. 4. 95 Table 2: Factors discourage consumers to return to the store Factor Description Score 1. Taste Highest score 6. 90 2. Price Ranked fourth 6. 00 3. Brand. Brand ranked low as a reason for choosing a store or determining frequency of visits to the store. 4. 56 Even the locations the first choice but the reason of consumers will return to the store are combination of taste, price and location. Speed of service was also mentioned as a factor when deciding to go. 3. 5Purchase When they purchase the coffee, the factors that will attract them to come to the shop are the location and the quality that they will receive from the shop like the taste of coffee as the second encourage factors and also clean and friendly environment. From the report of the Crimson Cup Independent retailers said ‘People see ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ and come in to the coffee house. They like the message’. This shows the success of the retailers to attract the consumers using the brand slogan and the services that will provide clean and friendly environment. 3. 6Consumption From the research found that the most positive items sometimes bought at a coffee shop were breakfast food such as list in table below: Table 3: others items buy in coffee shop. Food Percentage 1. 2. 3. 4. Bagel and muffins Sweets (cookies and cakes) Chai tea Not ever purchase other items 55 14 8 13 Because of the culture of American like coffee, so there is no special time for them to get a cup of coffee but for the students, the probability is drinking coffee early in the morning to boost energy before start work or at night to retain and maintain energy to stay up doing assignment until early in the morning. 3. 7Post-consumption Evaluation. From the case, if they have a bad experiences to the coffee they will make punishment with tell others consumer to not take the coffee at that shop but when they have positive experience they will came again. The research finding tell us that taste of the coffee will be the second important factors why they choose the coffee drinks and the first factor they not return to the coffee shops. So, even location will be the first factor to encourage them to come again to the shops but the taste still be most important as the first things that should be focus by the Crimsoncup to maintain the product quality. Quality is more refer to the taste and the convenience is more refer to the location. The level of satisfaction is encourage by this both factors that make the consumers perceive they receive a good quality product at the right location plus with quality extra services in clean and friendly environment. 3. 8Divestment They did not mention about anything for this process. We will suggest them to make research to identify some information like what the customers do with the bean if they brew it at home, the packaging and maybe the cup to serve the coffee. This information can be use by Crimson Cup to complete building an effective marketing strategy. 4. 0SWOT analysis of Crimson Cup coffee From the case, we analysis their company using SWOT analysis like figure below: Strength Weaknesses Statistics shows that small prepared coffee retailers are growing faster than the mighty Starbucks. Crimson Cup is has specialize in this industry by served independent coffee houses, teaching independent coffee shop owners the skills needed to operate a viable and competitive business. Greg Ubert as a founder of this company is the author of ‘The Seven Steps to Success: A Common Sense Guide to Succeed In Specialty Coffee’. We see this directly to share skills and information with the independent coffee shops retailers but indirectly influence the consumers that they will get quality services from the coffee shops. They have their own website that can search from website address www. forindependenthinkers. com or www. crimsoncup. com . Its expert baristas have opened well over hundred coffee shops around the country. Its starts-up program includes every things needed to operate independently without the constraints of franchise agreements. The coffees that they serve have quality certification like we discuss at the previous chapter. The slogan ‘Coffee for Independent perceive positively by the consumers. The Crimson Cup just focus limit their activities on the coffee and not serving bagels and muffins or sweets even there is demand of the item that found from the research. Opportunity Threat Coffee consumption is very important in American cultures. There is winter season every year in that country. There is demand for items purchase with coffee in the shops (i. e. : muffins or cookies) . Recommendation from family or friends is one of the five most important factors for influencing purchase. 58% of respondents who regularly buy coffee at a coffee shop said coffee shops offer better-quality coffee and 33% perceive that the coffee quality of this shops better than competitors There are many competitors in coffee industry that serve with multi-style of marketing strategy such as Starbucks. The negative impression of the consumers to the coffee shops will make them distribute the information using word-of-mouth as a punishment or negative reinforcement for them our others consumers. 5. 0Alternatives There are many problems we identify before so the alternatives we provide here will give suggestion to the entire problem that we will use the make effective recommendation in the next chapter. The alternative will be dividing into: Additional research that should be done to make assumption. Brand focus Marketing strategy Marketing program (IMC) 5. 1Additional Research for More Understanding of the Consumer Behavior. After we make analysis, we put the research that had been done and come with the additional research that possible to be done to make more effective assumption for this company target market like table 4 below: Table 4: Consumer Research Stage Process Done Additional 1 Need recognition Environmental influences Culture Family Situation Individual differences Knowledge Attitudes lifestyle Environmental influences Social Class Individual differences Consumer resources Value 2 Search Stimuli (to general finding) Marketer (TV commercial, etc) Non-marketer (word-of-mouth). The research should be done more focus on the Crimson Cup. 3 Pre-purchase evaluation of alternative Factor encourage and discouraged to return to the coffee shops What make consumers satisfied and come again to the coffee shops. 4 Purchase Location Price Nature/quality of assortment Store clientele can be good research because it will be influence by the social culture. 5 Consumption How they consumer When they consume Where they consume How much they consumer? 6 Post-purchase evaluation Dissatisfaction ? (punishment) Satisfaction? Reaction? 7 Divestment There is no research state in this case. How customer’s divest packaging /cups? 5. 2Brand Focus Here is the evaluation of the alternatives for the brand focus; ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ Advantages: 1. Consumers like the statement, ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers ’. Once they see this slogan shows in the window of the coffee house, they will go in the coffee house. Besides that, those coffee houses which display this slogan on the window of the coffee houses are promise to offer quality drinks in a clean and friendly environment. 2. University students are the group of people that public perceives them as independent thinkers. So, by emphasis on ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ brand, drinking CrimsonCup coffee can be a trend or lifestyle for the students. 3. When consumers see the seal, they know this coffee house is offer good quality coffee and nice environment for them to enjoy the coffee. As a result, ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ slowly becomes the seal of guarantee for quality coffee. This action also fulfills the need of the consumers that the taste of the coffee is the most important reason that makes consumer to come back again. So, when the consumers see the seal ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’, 4. Crimson Cup primary customers is the independent coffee shops, other than attracting the consumers, they also can influence the independent coffee shops retailers to perceive positively this brand slogan. 5. The impact of the slogan show from the research that 58% of respondents who regularly buy coffee at a coffee shop said coffee shops offer better-quality coffee and 33% perceive that the coffee quality of this shops better than competitors. Disadvantages 1. Another disadvantages of promoting ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ brand is CrimsonCup brand has exist for a long time. Most of the people know about CrimsonCup brand because anything about the coffee will makes consumers think of CrimsonCup. For example, when we mention about CrimsonCup, consumers will start thinking of a company who sells good quality coffee bean; a company that provide training for those who would like to open a coffee house; a company offer good quality coffee and etcetra. 2. If suddenly the company changes CrimsonCup to ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ brand, consumers will get confused whether this is a new brand or another company cooperate with CrimsonCup. ‘Crimson Cup’ Advantages: 1. It already establish from 1991 and use by the company. Disadvantages: 1. Consumers are not really care about the brand of the coffee when they just simply want to drink coffee. Only those consumers who purchase the coffee mainly for office or home use will care about the brand of the coffee. So, with only focusing on the CrimsonCup, the impact of promotion or advertising activities not give high impact the consumers intention. Under this kind of situation, they will just choose which coffee house is nearer and convenient for them. 2. Consumers has possibility to ranked this brand quality is same like competitors. 5. 3Marketing Strategy To overcome with the marketing strategy, we divide the alternatives with 4 P’s. For these alternatives, we are using push strategy to encourage the demand from the consumers and pull strategy to encourage the primary customers to run their own activities that can encourage the increasing of sales. 5. 3. 1Price strategy Pricing strategy for the primary customers: Alternative 1: Allowance Alternative 2: Discount Here are the alternatives for the consumers (ultimate customers) Alternative 1: Membership price. Membership price usually entitle for primary customer who purchase constantly and loyal customers. Most of them are independent coffee shop or restaurant. Here customers need to fill in the membership form. This membership duration can last for one year. Crimson Cup provide them special price and keep their purchasing track record. For ultimate customers, every time they purchase at our coffee shop they have to present the membership card and membership number, so they are entitle for 8% discount for each cup of coffee. Each time they purchase by using the membership card they can collect the points and redeem it at our coffee shop. Other than that the advantage being a membership of CC is; based from the track record and base from the personal details we have, we will appreciate our customer during their birthday by giving them birthday coupon and they can redeem it at our coffee shop. Alternative two: Quantity discount Crimson Cup chooses by giving an ‘extra amount’ is one of the good idea to encourage customer to buy in large amount especially independent coffee shop. Every 2kg customers will enjoy 200grms extra. Customer pays for 2kgs price but enjoy 2200grms coffee. From 200grms coffee can cover at least 10 cups of coffee and coffee shop can gain an extra profit from it. For our coffee shop, customers who order five items in a single receipt worth $70 and above entitle for a regular cup of cappuccino for free. This idea is to encourage customer to come in a big group. 5. 3. 2Product strategy A product is define as anything that can be offered to the market for attention, use or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need ( Armstrong and Kotler 278). Alternative 1: Crimson Coffee CrimsonCup is a specialty coffee roaster. Their coffee beans are a special blend that Armando created, which is called Armando’s Blend. It’s smooth, no aftertaste, and smells delightfully good and full fill the coffee drinker’s need. Alternative 2: Coffee Cup Coffee can use disposable cup to serve their coffee with Crimson Coffee name and tagline ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’. This is because we want customers to drink with passion. The brown color paper with Crimson Coffee name is actually one different layer of paper. The main function of it is actually to absorb hit and cold; meaning that if customers buy some hot drink they can easily hold the brown layer to avoid them from hot especially kids. It is also same if they buy cold drink, the brown layer is use to absorb the water so that customer no need to ask for tissue paper. Alternative 3: Paper Bags. Fair Trade is an innovative, market-based approach to sustainable development. Crimson Cup is certified organic and shade grown. This means that the products you buy maintain biodiversity, provide shelter for migratory birds and help reduce global warming. Crimson Cup Coffee use paper bag and the material can easily recycle. At the paper bag stated clearly the Crimson Coffee Brand and tagline ‘Coffee For Independent Thinkers’ . Behind the paper bag consumers can search the map for the nearest Quality Certified stores on the CrimsonCup website. Alternative 4 : Product labeling They should show the Crimson Cup Logo at the packaging of the coffee bean that sell in the grocery or coffee shops. All off the certification they get also should be publish at the packaging or cups and mugs use to serve the coffee. Alternative 5: sell muffins, bagels, cookies and cake. They should sell items like bagels, muffins; cookies and cake because of there are demands of the products that consume together with the coffee. 5. 3. 3Promotion Strategy Making joint venture Making joint venture can be one of the methods for its marketing recommendations. For an example making joint venture with famous fast food companies such as MacDonald in order to put coffee in its menu. Now a day’s making joint venture is one of the ways for companies in order to make themselves more popular like PepsiCo which joint venture with KFC or Lipton. 5. 3. 4Place strategy. Clean, friendly environment because consumers more perceive on quality and convenience. Service delivery if the place is too far. Make a target for the range of shops in one town. 5. 4Integrated Marketing Communication program (IMC) Before we suggest alternatives for the IMC, actually the goals of the marketing program are: 1. To increase more awareness about the Independents coffee shops, grocery, and restaurant those serves the coffee from Crimson Cup or sell the coffee beans from this company. 2. To increase the knowledge of the consumers about the coffee and this activities will stimulate them to come to coffee shops or brewing at home. Alternatives 1:Barista4aDay Contest One of the programs which are launched is Barista4aDay which is a program for coffee lovers as customers (ultimate customers) or even independent coffee shop owners (primary customers). The program is simple. One coffee lover gets to spend a day learning the art of Barista. A Barista is a professional who is highly skilled in coffee preparation, with a comprehensive understanding of coffee, espresso, roast degree and espresso equipment. Point of purchase Try the coffee in front of the coffee shops. Crimson Cup travel to the focus group. Go to university or potential place by lorries. Leader’s opinion 6. 0Recommendation of Strategy After we list the all alternatives for all the problems that we underline in second chapters, we come with the recommendations below in the combination of strategy that will be run to influence the consumers’ decision making process. 4 P’s Price: Alternative 1: Allowance Alternative two: Quantity discount Product: Alternative 1: Crimson Coffee Alternative 2: Coffee Cup Alternative 4: Product labeling Alternative 5: sell muffins, bagels, cookies and cake. Promotion: Making joint venture. Package to make them try the muffin as new product Place: Clean and friendly environment. IMC (annual program) Baristas4aDay with personality Research Store clientele 7. 0Plan of action Program Responsible Duration Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0Contingency Plan 4 P’s Price: Alternative 1: Discount during winter season Alternative two: Quantity discount Product: Alternative 1: Crimson Coffee Alternative 2: Coffee Cup Alternative 4: Product labeling Promotion: Place: Clean and friendly environment. IMC (annual program) Point of purchase at the store Word of mouth by a leader 9. 0Conclusion. Consumer decision making model is very useful to analyze the behavior of consumers start from need recognition process until the divestment process. But, to get information for the every step or process in the model, some research should be run because research will supply more reliable and valid information to make our assumption more accurate. The assumption will be use to make prediction to the consumers decision making and this information are useful when the marketer trying to strategize their marketing programme or marketing activities to supply the products that can really transfer value the consumers. Reference: Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2006), Consumer Behavior, 10th Ed. , Thompson, Southwestern Kotler, P. (2006) Marketing Management 12th edn. , Upper Saddle River, New Jersey; Perentice Hall. Kotler, P and Gary Armstrong (2006). Principles of Marketing 11th edn. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall Inc http://www. wikipedia. com http://www. mplans. com http://www. forindipendentthinkers. com.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tourism and Premium Advantages

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism Tourism is the act of travel for the purpose of not only recreation, but also the provision of services for this act. It†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Advantages and disadvantages of tourism Nowadays many people travel around the world. They get new experience, emotions, relaxation But is it that good? In†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism. if the natural resources are destroyed for the settlement of hotels, it may be a disadvantage for everyone in the country. For example, in Maurtius , when tourists†¦ PremiumAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism In Mauritus a computer literate the use of the manual system will be easier for them to work. * Advantage of the New System . * Easier to maintain and update data†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism – Short Essay New pedagogy St vincent & Grenadines Island is a small island with limite d education facilities. Primarily motivated students can easily start their own†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Name: ____________________________ Number_____ Form ____ Class _______ Date: ______ /______ /______ Name: ____________________________ Number_____ Form ____†¦Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Increasing Tourism Activity In Different Countries ] Bottom of Form Similar discussions: advantages and disadvantages of tourism Advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Increasing the living standards†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Direct Selling: Perspectives Of Both Tourism Operators And Tourists for a tourist using direct selling. The third section will discuss the advantages and disadvantages for a tourism provider using direct selling. Finally, the essay†¦ Premium Tourism Advantages And Disadvantages

Monday, July 29, 2019

Adlerian Theory Essay Example for Free

Adlerian Theory Essay Theory (1093) , Mark Twain (437) , Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (281) , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (251) , Huckleberry Finn (248) , Better (179) , Effect (38) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? Introduction and Rationale School counselors work with students in academic development, social and emotional skill development, and college/career development. Their work supports student success through education in these domains, improvement of skills, reduction of stress, and improvement in mental health functioning. As I read the article, School Counseling Outcome: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Interventions, I couldn’t help but realize the importance of continued research on the effectiveness of school counseling interventions. This article focuses on the effectiveness of an array of school counseling interventions and not solely on individual and group counseling. The primary aim of this research was to review various literature pieces that relate to school counseling and identify their outcome and implications to the practice of school counseling. In this study, Meta-analysis 1 involved treatment control comparisons and Meta-analysis 2 involved pretest-posttest differences. The overall average weighted effect size for school counseling interventions was .30. The study examined whether relevant moderator variables influenced effect sizes. The pretest-posttest size was not significant, so moderator analyses were conducted on treatment control comparisons. Analyses of moderator variables indicated school counseling program activities or interventions varied in effectiveness A meta-analysis of school counseling outcome research found an overall effect size of .30. Students who participated in the interventions improved almost a third of the standard deviation more than their peers who did not receive the interventions. In other words, school counseling interventions have a larger effect size than aspirin for preventing heart attacks (ES of .06) and an equivalent effect size to sertoline (Zoloft) compared to placebo, for  treating major depressive disorder (ES of .31). (Whiston & Quimby, 2009). The use of meta-analysis offers some weakness on the research which is actually a common thing for meta-analytic researches. This results from the fact that the effect size’s quality is dependant on the quality of research and accuracy. Sampling inaccurate of ineffective research cases may also render the meta-analytic research weak due to the weakness of the researches sampled. The meta-analytic research may also be stronger due to the fact that it samples a mean of similar variables under various researches and thus providing an average that is a true representative of all researches. In order to improve the meta-analytic exercise it is good to first make an analysis of the article and ensure that they are classified appropriately and their content has high validity so that they may not negatively affect the analysis (Sexton, L.T., & Whiston, S., 1998). A meta-analysis of school counseling research (117 studies, 153 school counseling interventions, and 16, 296 students) found an overall effect size of .30. The authors found that students who participated in school counseling interventions tended to score on various outcome measures about a third of a standard deviation above those who did not receive the interventions. School counseling interventions produced quite large effect sizes in the areas of discipline, problem-solving, and increasing career knowledge. The effect sizes were smaller, but significant, related to school counseling interventions’ impact on academic achievement. Surprisingly little school counseling research was found related to individual counseling. Concerning guidance curriculum, small groups were more effective than interventions that involved entire classrooms. Outcome research reflects that group counseling can be effective with students who are experiencing problems and difficulties. School counselors can improve the climate in their schools. They can also draw from a vast array of interventions that will help students increase  their academic achievement (Brown, 1999). One intervention that has been used for more than a quarter of a century is behavioral contracts. Behavioral contracts must have specific objectives, set attainable short-term goals, be monitored regularly, allow for immediate reinforcement, and be adjusted when they are not promoting the desired change. Other direct interventions frequently employed by school counselors include study skills groups, time management training, classroom guidance units aimed at improving test taking skills, and achievement motivation groups. Achievement motivation groups are led by the counselor, but involve input from the teachers and support for increased achievement from the students in the group. When students have educational and career goals, they do better in school. Counselors can facilitate the development of educational and personal goals by engaging students in individual and group activities that focus on goal setting. Some school counselors routinely ask students about interests, educational plans, and occupational goals and record these in their portfolios as one way of emphasizing the importance of goal setting. Research supports what educators have long understood: parent involvement is an important factor in student achievement (Brown, 1999). Parents who have a high level of commitment to their children, set high standards, maintain a stable home environment, and support achievement, have children who do better in school. Counselors can involve parents through parent consultation, parent education classes that teach parents how to support their children in schools as well as parenting skills, and by advocating for parents and students when students are not treated fairly by the educational establishment. They can also help keep the parents of children who are having difficulty in school apprised of their children’s progress by encouraging teachers to communicate more frequently with parents than once per grading period. School counselors are under pressure to assist in the effort to increase student achievement. They can respond to this challenge by working to improve the school climate, using direct interventions such as teaching study skills and involving students in achievement motivation groups, and by increasing the involvement of parents in the educational process. As our culture and educational institutions change, school counseling practices are emerging to better meet the needs of today’s students. Brown, D (1999). Proven strategies for improving learning and academic achievement. Greensboro, NC: CAPS Publications Sexton, L.T., and Whiston, S.C. (1998). A review of school counseling outcome research: Implications for practice. Journal of Counseling and Development volume 76, issue number pp 412-426. Whiston & Quinby (2009). Review of school counseling research. Psychology in the Schools 46(3), 267-272. Schatzberg & Nemeroff (2009). Textbook of Pyschopharmacology. Arlington, VA: The American Psychiatric Publisher. Whiston, Susan C; Wendi, Lee Tai; Rahardja, Daryn; Eder, Kelly. Journal of Counseling and Development. Winter 2011. Vol. 89. Issue 1, p. 37-55. Adlerian Theory. (2016, Apr 30).

Today-Tomorrow Garmin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Today-Tomorrow Garmin - Essay Example At present, the company is considered as the authority in research process, which supports the internet users by defaulting matches relevant to all the words included in the query and handles the search process quite insensitively. Moreover, it offers its services in all the existing major languages of the world, and also suggests similar words, phrases, fields and phrases to make research procedure more effective one. (Quoted in Hence, the company has revolutionized the research process ad has made research process very fast, simple and easy. AltaVista, Excite and Google have become popular with researchers looking for information on the Web. All of these search engines allow users to enter one or more keywords that would initiate a search of the database of websites for all occurrences of those words. (Lamb et al., 2005) In addition, Google has also rendered exceptional services in the field of advertising, where billions of corporations seek its platform and assis tance as well, for the marketing and advertising of their products or services or both. Though Google Inc. underwent many problems, because some companies tried its advertising methodology at the court of law, blaming it promoting violation of trademark rights, yet there are the people in billions, who have unconditional faith in their favorite search engine i.e. Google Inc. Google Stated Strategic Goals: Like every organization, Google Inc. also aims to expand its business activities in order to increase profit volume. Commenced its corporate activities as a small firm in 1998, Google has successfully extended its network all over the world by articulating market strategy in the pattern of international companies. The most considerable component of its business strategy includes its entering into contract with well-reputed international organizations, which paved the way towards launching joint ventures and working in collaboration with one another. Consequently, almost all

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Impact of Telephone Technology on Society Research Paper

Impact of Telephone Technology on Society - Research Paper Example Specifically, the upsurge in 3G connections, sustained by the production of the current data-enabled devices which permit mobile internet connectivity, caused a huge growth in mobile data use. Currently, an examination of the economic influence of this technological transformation has been restricted by data availability. However, Van (2012) used VNI Index data of Cisco for 14 nations to investigate this concern and he found a strong relationship existed between economic growth and mobile data usage per 3G connection. Van also asserts that doubling the use of mobile data causes the GDP per capita to increase by 0.5 percentage points. Although the effects of telephone have fully been realized in developed markets, telephone technology continues to offer strongly assist developing markets. Issa, Isaias & Kommers (2013) who measured the influence of ‘simple’ telephone penetration on Total Factor Productivity of a nation – a parameter of economic productivity which al ways reflects the technological dynamism of an economy – found out that an increase of 10% in telephone penetration upsurges Total Factor Productivity by 4.2% in long run. Telephone technologies add considerably to GDP growth. It is projected that the technology will occasion a 1.8% GDP growth in UK and 24.9% GDP growth in Egypt across 2010-2020. Again, Issa, Isaias & Kommers (2013) claim that the impact will be great in developing nations. They claim that the impact of increasing phone subscriptions, across 10 nations.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

BestBuy - Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BestBuy - - Case Study Example Best Buy Company has made it a priority to center their marketing and trade operations by better recognizing and identifying the consumer approach dynamics to electronic retail purchasers. Consumer behavior are those acts of individual consumers that directly involve obtaining and using economic goods and services including decision that are determined in this acts. It can also be identified as the behavior that the consumers exhibit in planning, purchasing, and using goods as well as services. The knowledge of consumer behavior implemented by Best Buy Company has helped it in securing consumers a process known as consumer royalty. To attain this, the company started by making consumer profiles. The company then trained its employees to focus on specific customers, rather than product and modify them to the needs of the customers. This understanding of the consumer behavior helped the company. The implementation of this model helped the company get a better feedback in what the consumers really needed. The company started to target their products to the consumers by analyzing how their purchase decisions are made. Through â€Å"customer centricity,† the company is able to identify different customers, and groups of people depending on their desires, roles, and lifestyles. This enabled the company to focus on the consumers’ needs. Through the knowledge of consumer behavior, the company understood the customer as the most important asset of the company. They therefore drove forward to ensure their consumers obtained optimal satisfaction with the products that they developed. This move created a great impact in Best Buy Company to make it the largest electronics retailor. One of the advantages that â€Å"customer centricity† brought about to the Best Buy Company is that it brought knowledge to the company of the decisions and their needs. This helped improve best buys

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global information communication and technology Essay

Global information communication and technology - Essay Example The world economic growth report which covers the economic evaluation of 138 countries gives a very comprehensive report about the impact of the Information Communication and Technological development on the different sectors of national growth. For this project report Singapore, which stood second in the world ranking was chosen as the country for expansion of the new networking application over cell phone network powered by Microsoft (World Economic Forum, 2011). Windows Mobile in Healthcare Solution The global industries are day by day growing more mobile in business. The robust and secured connectivity are required in every field of work. The healthcare industry worldwide is constantly trying to reduce the cost and deliver excellent services to the customers. Automated services are deployed by Windows Mobile based services from Microsoft which helps in several processes of Physical Order entry and electronic health records at a very low cost and provide service whenever it is req uired. The healthy security feature of Windows Mobile gives better patients privacy and security of data and also remote access to patient care system.The easy to use Windows Mobile powered by Microsoft Visual Studio gives a better support for more mobiles and database handling technique in a very secured and efficient way (Value Prism Consulting, 2006, p. 11). Information Communication and Technology sector is the major contributor of Singapore economy.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Law course---&gtAgency--&gtPrincipal and Agent relationship Term Paper

Business Law course--->Agency-->Principal and Agent relationship - Term Paper Example However, creating a relationship between two parties involve certain crucial points, which are significant to be considered when creating an agency. These points principally includes mentioning the authorities of the parties involved, duties of the both the parties and liability of the parties involved among others in the contract. In similar regard, it would be worth mentioning that an agency relationship between two parties (the principal and the agent) must be beneficial for both; that is the principal will enjoy the privilege of getting his/her work done by others, while the agent will receive a considerable amount for the same (Floyd & Allen 212-250). THESIS STATEMENT In this paper, emphasis will be laid upon investigating and postulating the provisions in respect to agency creation and the subsequent relation built there upon between an agent and the principal. The significance of having an agency relationship will also be depicted up to an extent in this paper. From a primary point of view, there are several components identifiable as involved with the creation as well as the legal execution of an agency relationship. ... In such relationship a legal contract plays a vital role to ensure legal and ethical conducts of both the parties involved. The rights as well as responsibilities of both the parties are therefore, postulated to be based in accordance to the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract. In regard to creating an agency, the free consent of the both the parties involved, i.e. principal and agent, is of prime significance and a necessary issue. The principal, in this context, must have the desire that the agent will act on his behalf with a particular transaction or negotiation. Similarly, an agent will also have the right to choose his desire or confirm his free consent to perform on behalf of the principal. The intentions and expectations of both the parties is also required to be mentioned in the contract to avoid any sort of miscommunications or frauds of any kind in the course of their relationship. Correspondingly, the contract law will be applicable in this regard. In case, if one party intends to exercise control over the activities of the other, no relationship will exist between the two. An agency can only arise by the will of both the parties. There are two kinds of agencies, which comprise of actual and apparent agencies [Carr v. Hunt, 651 S.W.2d 875] (US Legal, â€Å"Creation of Agency†). AUTHORITY It has been noted from the above discussion that the relationship between an agent and a principal, primarily forms an agency, where the former acts on behalf of the later. Both of them enter in a contract, which further ensures certain authoritative responsibilities and rights for both of them. The authority in an agency is divided into several types based on their characterizations. Primarily, the authority of an agent is his/her power to act on behalf of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Investigation of the beer - Lambert law Lab Report

Investigation of the beer - Lambert law - Lab Report Example It illustrated in the diagram below. Beer-Lambert law states that the absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of the solution. It relates the absorbance of sample (A) to the concentration of the substance in the solution absorbing it and the path length of the light. Incident light from a tungsten or deuterium lamp is focused through a lens and passed through a slit. Passing the beam through the wavelength selector diffracts it separating it into light of a single wavelength. This particular wavelength is selected and exits through the slit. The light passing through the sample is detected by the photo detector which then converts it into an electrical current measured by the galvanometer. The reading is then sent to a read-out device. The plot of absorbance of light at different wavelengths is called it absorption spectrum. Fig. 1 gives the absorption spectrum of potassium permanganate (KMnO4 ). According to Beer-Lambert law, absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. This is clearly illustrated by Fig. 4. This is also known as a calibration curve. It should be drawn with utmost accuracy in order to obtain a straight line graph. The slope of this curve is equal to the absorbance of the potassium permanganate (Skoog, 45). One source of error is the use of inappropriate concentrations when applying Beer-Lambert law. It is only applicable for dilute solutions and becomes less accurate with increase in concentration. Another source of error is stray light or scattering within the instrument as this cause large errors especially when reading small values. The aim of the experiment was obtained because Beer-Lambert law was verified. Using linear regression analysis, Beer-Lambert law (A = ÃŽ µlc) implies that when concentration is equal to zero, absorbance must also be zero. This is a straight line equation passing through the origin hence the aim was achieved (Svanberg,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stress Management in Organisation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stress Management in Organisation - Assignment Example The relationship between marketing and information technology, in this case, is vital because both coexist to improve the other. For instance, information technology plays a role as a management tool in a business organization e.g. decision making and strategic management. To illustrate this, we can say for instance that organizations do produce goods and services at a given level of production that meet the demand on a daily basis. Not every day does a business enjoy boom sales and so decisions related to output will be based on the information management has in order to meet the demand of the market. In strategic management, the company will be able to enjoy a competitive advantage (Kotler, pg 22). This is developed through distinguishing a company in an extraordinary business in contrast with other players in the consumer’s opinion. This can only be achieved through information technology. Implementing this strategy will lead to an improvement in the efficiency and effectiv eness of the organization. Competitive advantage has an important role in the success of a business and in accomplishing this; the organization will need a Marketing structure that will help to realize their objective (Mohr, pg 23). Information technology plays an important role in improving the value of products. This can be taken from the perspective of quality of goods and services produced. The technology gives a systematic test in making sure that goods produced are of the right quality thereby adding value. One way of ensuring that quality is achieved is through the marketing followed by accounting from the customer and finally testing of products which involve effective and efficient procedures of information technology. The high-quality goods that have been produced will be taken to the market and marketing will aid in making them public (Nambisan, pg 7).  Ã‚     

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Essay Nowadays, the Internet is growing rapidly. Many people open Internet because it assists a lot of benefits to humans. However, many people become victims after accessing the internet. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and dangers of the internet. The internet has many benefits. One of these benefits of Internet is it is the medium of communication. There are many facilities on the internet helps us to communicate such as E-mail, Facebook, Twitter and others. All these facilities enable people to communicate with other people from different countries in the world so that it can explore other cultures of different ethnicity. Also, Internet is a medium of information. Today, a lot of people need the information from the internet. Because every second on the internet, updates the information required by humans. For instance, Google and Yahoo are search engine information on the internet that provide all kinds of topics the information we need. Furthermore, Internet is a medium of entertainment. Internet becomes successful because it provides a lot of entertainment that humans need. For example, today many people are watching or downloading free entertainment on the internet, and many people are playing on-line games. In contrary, the internet has a lot of disadvantages. The fact of the matter is that the internet has thousands of porn sites. This is the greatest threat to human life, especially the children. There have been many people who became victims of pornographic sites on the internet. For example, now in Indonesia, many teenage girls do not have virgin. That is because porn sites affect their lifestyle so that they eliminate the virgin with boyfriend easily. Also, the Internet sends viruses to your computer. When your computer connects to the internet it is often the case that a virus attacks your computer hard disk. In addition, many people steal personal information on the internet. The case is often occurring in today’s world, when people save personal information such as name, address, credit card number, and others, so many criminals will access the data. Therefore, beware of internet because he has a lot of harm to human life. In conclusion, I believe that the Internet helps people in the communications, information and entertainment. However, the Internet also has much negative side. Therefore, use the internet for positive things so that we get a lot of benefits.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Cost of Coronary Heart Disease to Society Essay Example for Free

The Cost of Coronary Heart Disease to Society Essay â€Å"Coronary heart disease (CHD), also called coronary artery disease (CAD), is when the vessels supplying blood and oxygen to your heart become narrow or constrictedâ‘ ºÃ¢â‚¬  The main causes are: Smoking cigarettes Cigarette smoking is a major cause of strokes. High blood pressure Can put strain on your heart and can lead to CHD. High cholesterol levels Cholesterol is essential for healthy cells, but if there is too much in the blood it can lead to CHD. Unhealthy diet A bad diet can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and uncontrolled weight. Each of these factors independently contribute to a high risk of heart disease. Physical inactivity Regular physical activity decreases the risk of coronary artery disease because it makes the coronary arteries wider and more flexible. Alcohol consumption Raises blood pressure; puts more pressure on arteries. Obesity Reduces HDL cholesterol which enable lipids to be transported within the water-based bloodstream. The cost of coronary heart disease to society cannot be viewed in terms of just money, but also the loss of 166,000 lives every year, this figure is the number of people who died of coronary heart disease in 1961 in the UK. The figure in 1997 however had fallen to 140,500. In 2000, this figure had fallen still to 125,000, and in 2010 more than 65,000 people died from coronary heart disease; more than for any other diseaseâ‘ ¹. The total direct healthcare costs of coronary heart disease in 1999 came to  £1.73 billion. The major costs were those used for hospital inpatient care, which accounted for  £917 million (or 53% of the total) and drug treatment, which accounted for  £558 million (or 32% of the total). Rehabilitation and community care, prevention and primary care, accident and emergency (AE) and outpatient care accounted for 7.4%, 3.6%, and 2.9%, respectively, of total direct costs. People aged 65 years and above and men utilised 63% and 52% of total expenditure, respectivelyâ‘ ´. In 2006, coronary heart disease cost the UK NHS approximately  £3.2 billion, this represents a cost per capita of just over  £50 for each condition. The cost of hospital care for people who have coronary heart diseases accounts for about 73% of these costsâ‘ µ. The hospital costs for stroke account for 94% of the total health care costsâ‘ ¶. In 2006 the total cost of coronary heart disease to the UK economy was approximately  £9.0 billionâ‘ ¸. Some patients with coronary heart disease will be referred for cardiac rehabilitation, particularly following bypass surgery or if they have experienced angina or a heart attack. The rehabilitation may consist of an exercise plan to help regain stamina safely based on individual ability and needs, and education, counseling, and training. Training may include ways to better manage stress, as well as how to manage other lifestyle factors that contribute to coronary heart disease. An estimated 401 000 people provided informal care to coronary heart disease patients in the UK and about 408 million hours were used to care for them. Informal care of coronary heart disease sufferers was estimated to cost  £2.42 billionâ‘ ´. About 150 565 working years were lost from deaths from coronary heart disease in England and Wales; 71% of these working years lost were from deaths in men in the 45–64 year age rangeâ‘ ´. There were 65.4 million working days lost because of incapacity resulting from coronary heart disease in the UK. In 2004, the average length of stay for an individual entering the hospital for CHD complications was 4.3 daysâ‘ ´. To the UK population, an estimated 765 000 men and 698 000 women had experienced a coronary heart disease event in the past year, with those aged 55 and above accounting for 88% of cases, also to the UK population, an estimated 1.42 million men and 1.14 million women have a history of doctor diagnosed coronary heart diseaseâ‘ ·. In 2006 over 2.2 million people were living with CHD; 1.3 million men and 860,000 womenâ‘ ¸. The mortality cost of coronary heart disease in the UK was estimated to be about  £1.81 billion (of which  £1.68 billion can be attributed to men and  £0.123 billion to women)â‘ ´. The total cost of illness associated with coronary heart disease in the UK is  £7.06 billion per yearâ‘ ·. CHD, by itself, is the most common cause of premature death in the UK. About one fifth (18%) of premature deaths in men and one in ten (9%) premature deaths in women from CHD, which caused over 28,000 premature deaths in the UK in 2008â‘ ¶. Rates of CHD are higher in men than in women and rates increase with age. However CHD is also a major cause of premature (under 75) deaths. In 2010, there were over 21,000 premature deaths from CHD in Englandâ‘ ¸. CHD rates are not distributed evenly around England. Death rates are much higher in the North of England compared to the South. Premature mortality rates in the North West are about 50% higher than in the South East for men, and 60% higher for women. But CHD rates in England are lower than in the rest of the UKâ‘ ¸. Approximately 85% of those who die of coronary artery disease are age 65 or olderâ‘ ½. People that are diagnosed with coronary heart disease may feel worried or anxious about their personal well being and how this diagnosis will affect their lifestyleâ‘ ». Patients diagnosed with heart disease may experience guilty feelings. They may believe that their chosen lifestyles may have contributed to them acquiring coronary heart diseaseâ‘ ». Patients with coronary heart disease may isolate themselves socially from their friends as a result of side effects of their medications or symptoms of their disease, such as fatigueâ‘ ». Depression is a condition that patients with coronary heart disease may experience. This may be caused by a variety of reasons. They may become less motivated and less functional in their roles in life; achieving goals and getting jobsâ‘ ». Depression is strongly correlated with the presence of angina within a patients with coronary heart disease. Also patients with physical health problems such as coronary heart disease often have worse quality of lifeâ‘ ¼. In conclusion, the cost of coronary heart disease to society are the mass amount of people lost to this disease every year, the pain that the relatives and friends endure and the economic burden from the cost of all the healthcare and time invested to help those in need.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Alternative Sources Of Energy

Alternative Sources Of Energy Bio-fuels are formed from biomass, normally plants seeds, and liquid bio fuels can be use for transportation. We are one of the worlds leading distributors of bio fuels and we are developing enhanced bio fuels that could see CO2 reductions and a sustainable alternative fuel source. The two main forms of bio fuel today are ethanol and FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), which have largely relied on food crops such as wheat or sugar cane as their source. We are working to find a source material that does not compete with food crops, to develop a conversion process that will produce low CO2, and to produce efficient fuels. Our bio fuels research includes finding alternative feedstocks. We are looking into finding tough new enzymes to break down the cellulose in plants such as straw. Algae have potential as a sustainable source of vegetable oil that could be used for the production of bio fuel for diesel engines. It is early days but algae hold promise, as they grow rapidly and can be cultivated in ponds of seawater and minimise the use of fertile land and fresh water. Alternative Energy The world has plenty of potential renewable energy sources, but each has its own technical challenges. Scientists are working to develop alternative energy sources that are sustainable, clean and convenient. Fossil fuels are expected to remain the worlds main source of energy for decades to come but sustainable, clean and convenient energy sources will also be needed in the mix. Todays most widespread biofuel, ethanol, is commonly made from starchy or sugary plants. Hydrogen is seen by many as the fuel of the future, but it still has a long way to go. It is an energy carrier, in the same way as electricity, and so must be produced from another substance. Most commonly, hydrogen is produced using steam that reacts with methane and converts it into hydrogen and carbon. It can also be produced from water through electrolysis. The hydrogen can then be stored and converted to energy via hydrogen fuel cells, now available for cars. In hydrogen fuel cell vehicles a chemical reaction inside the fuel cell usually between hydrogen and oxygen creates electricity for the motor and the only resulting exhaust pipe emission is water vapour. We are learning as much as possible about hydrogen refuelling and how to meet future customer needs. We are involved in research and demonstration projects and have already opened a cluster of commercial hydrogen filling stations. biomass Biomass is any plant derived organic matter available on a renewable basis, including dedicated energy crops and trees, agricultural food and feed crops, agricultural crop wastes and residues, wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants etc. The energy in biomass can be harnessed in waste-to-energy plants or cogeneration plants. Waste-to-Energy Plants All incinerable waste not recovered, reused or recycled is sent for incineration at the waste-to-energy plants operated by the National Environment Agency. The combustion of municipal waste including renewables in the waste produce heat, which is recovered to generate electricity. The electricity generated is fed into the electricity grid. The biomass in Singapores municipal waste are mainly wood waste, horticultural waste, food waste and waste paper. Waste-To-Energy Plants Turbine Capacity (MW) Ulu Pandan Incineration Plant 16 Tuas Incineration Plant 46 Senoko Incineration Plant 56 Tuas South Incineration Plant 80 Biomass Cogeneration Plants Cogeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat, both of which are used. Through the utilisation of the heat, the efficiency of cogeneration plant can reach 80% or more. Cogeneration therefore offers energy savings ranging between 15-40% when compared to the supply of electricity and heat from conventional power stations and boilers. Cogeneration plants that use biomass fuel are carbon-neutral compared to those using fossil fuels. Two companies, M/s ECO-IEE Pte Ltd and M/s Bee Joo Industries Pte Ltd have biomass cogeneration plants. The ECO cogeneration plant has a turbine capacity of 0.53 MW and uses wood waste as fuel. The Bee Joo cogeneration plant has turbine capacity of 1.0 MW and uses wood waste and horticulture waste as fuel. Alkaline fuel cells (AFC) Alkaline fuel cells use compressed hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. They normally operate at 70-90 °C, with 300-5000 W of power at about 25-30% system efficiency. The Apollo astronauts used alkaline fuel cells to provide both electricity and drinking water. However, pure hydrogen fuel was used. More information on AFCs may be found here. TOP Phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC) Phosphoric acid fuel cells use phosphoric acid as the electrolyte to produce electricity. Types of fuel that PAFCs can use include anaerobic digester gas, natural gas, gasoline, etc. They operate at 190-215 °C, generating up to 200 kW of power at about 35-40% efficiency. The internal parts of the fuel cell must be able to withstand the corrosive acid. More information on PAFCs may be found here. TOP Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (also known as polymer electrolyte fuel cells) use a polymer-based electrolyte, typically in a thin, permeable sheet. This membrane must not leak or crack, while a platinum catalyst must also be coated on both sides of the membrane. The operating temperature is about 70-90 °C, with outputs of between 1W and 20 (1 of 2) [17/7/2010 2:07:03 AM] Fuel Cell Technologies kW of power. System efficiency is about 30-35%. The low temperature makes PEMFCs suitable for use in homes and cars. The fuel (typically hydrogen) must also be highly purified. Natural gas can also be reformed to produce hydrogen for fuel cells. More information on PEMFCs may be found here. TOP Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) Molten carbonate fuel cells use high-temperature carbonates (of sodium or magnesium) as the electrolyte for generating electricity. Hence, the normal operating temperature is around 600-650 °C, producing 250 kW 2 MW of power at about 45-50% efficiency. Waste heat produced by the reaction can be utilized to maximize system efficiency. This also means that MCFCs would be too hot for home applications. More information on MCFCs may be found here. TOP Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) Solid oxide fuel cells use a hard, ceramic compound of metallic oxides (of calcium or zirconium) as the electrolyte. They normally operate at about 700-1,000 °C, producing up to 100 kW of power. System efficiency is around 50-55%. At such temperatures, reformers are not necessary for producing hydrogen from fuels, eg natural gas. Waste heat from SOFCs can also be recovered for use in other applications, eg making more electricity. However, SOFCs are large in size, hence limiting its applications. More information on SOFCs may be found here. Introduction The tide moves a huge amount of water twice each day, and harnessing it could provide a great deal of energy around 20% of Britains needs. Although the energy supply is reliable and plentiful, converting it into useful electrical power is not easy. There are eight main sites around Britain where tidal power stations could usefully be built, including the Severn, Dee, Solway and Humber estuaries. Only around 20 sites in the world have been identified as possible tidal power stations. A few years ago, tidal powermeant tidal barrage. But these days there are other options as well. How it works: Tidal Barrages These work rather like a hydro-electricscheme, except that the dam is muchbigger. A huge dam (called a barrage) is built across a river estuary. When the tide goes in and out, the water flows through tunnels in the dam. The ebb and flow of the tides can be used to turn a turbine, or it can be used to push air through a pipe, which then turns a turbine. Large lock gates, like the ones used on canals, allow ships to pass. If one was built across the Severn Estuary, the tides at Weston-super-Mare would not go out nearly as far thered be water to play in for most of the time. But the Severn Estuary carries sewage and other wastes from many places (e.g. Bristol Gloucester) out to sea. A tidal barrage would mean that this stuff would hang around Weston-super-Mare an awful lot longer! Also, if youre one of the 80,000+ birds that feeds on the exposed mud flats when the tide goes out, then you have a problem, because the tide wont be going out properly any more. Advantages Once youve built it, tidal power is free. It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste. It needs no fuel. It produces electricity reliably. Not expensive to maintain. Tides are totally predictable. Offshore turbines and vertical-axis turbines are not ruinously expensive to build and do not have a large environmental impact. Disadvantages A barrage across an estuary is very expensive to build, and affects a very wide area the environment is changed for many miles upstream and downstream. Many birds rely on the tide uncovering the mud flats so that they can feed. Fish cant migrate, unless fish ladders are installed. Only provides power for around 10 hours each day, when the tide is actually moving in or out. There are few suitable sites for tidal barrages Is it renewable? Tidal energy is renewable. The tides will continue to ebb and flow, and the energy is there for the taking. Can tidal energy work in Singapore? Windmill under the sea The New Paper 11 Nov 08; This week, Singapore hosted the International Energy Week where policy makers from all over the world met academics and industry players to talk about energy options and strategies for the future. CHNG CHOON HIONG looks at tidal energy as it is used in the UK while TEH JEN LEE asks whether it could work here. PICTURE a 37m-tall, 1,000-tonne windmill that is submerged under the sea and you get a good idea of what the SeaGen Tidal Energy generator is. 11 November 2008 PICTURE a 37m-tall, 1,000-tonne windmill that is submerged under the sea and you get a good idea of what the SeaGen Tidal Energy generator is. Situated in Strangford Narrows, off the coast of Northen Ireland, the SeaGen is the worlds first commercial-scale tidal energy turbine, harnessing the virtually inexhaustible energy carried by tidal currents. Tidal currents are caused by the gravitational interaction between the earth and the moon arising from their relative motion. As such, the tidal cycle is perfectly predictable, an advantage over power generated by wind and sunlight. There are, however, some drawbacks in harnessing tidal power. It has some prerequisites which limit its use to just a few regions in the world. There are also worries such as the possible disruption of marine life and the ecosystem. However, the concerns about damaging the ecosystem are yet to be firmly established. Costing more than  £8.5 million ($20 million) in development, the SeaGen is commissioned for operation till 2013. During this time, it will generate 1,200kW of clean renewable power, enough to provide for the electrical needs of 1,000 UK households. Can this work in Singapore? USING current technology, Singapore cannot harness tidal energy because our mean tidal range of about 1.7m is too low. The New Paper 11 Nov 08 USING current technology, Singapore cannot harness tidal energy because our mean tidal range of about 1.7m is too low. Mean tidal range is the difference in height between mean low water and mean high water levels during spring tides, which occur during new moon and full moon, when there is greatest variation in tides. The tidal range is low all around South-east Asia because of the configuration of the land fairly straight coastlines which are surrounded by seas. In contrast, there are beaches in some countries elsewhere with a tidal range of more than 10m. For example, in the Bay of Fundy on the Atlantic coast of North America, home to the worlds highest tides, the tidal range has been measured in excess of 15m. These high tides produce swift-flowing currents when the tide is coming in and going out. In Singapore, because of the low tidal range, the tidal currents are not strong enough to generate electricity. It would be like trying to get power from water flowing through a monsoon drain. Professor Teh Tiong Sa, visiting senior fellow at the Tropical Marine Science Institute, said: To have viable energy from tides, the higher the tidal range the better. For Singapore, its too low to even think about it now, unless technology changes and things become more efficient. Singapore, August 12 Somewhere off the coast of Invergordon in Scotland on Thursday, the worlds largest tidal turbine will be unveiled, marking a turning point in the global renewable tidal energy industry. This turbine, which can generate consistent electricity to power 1,000 British homes, may be located thousands of miles from Singapore but it represents a key moment for the city-states growing clean technology or cleantech industry. This is because the AK1000 turbine, as it is called, was tested in Singapore waters and designed on Singapores shores during key periods of its 10-year research history. Chief executive Timothy Cornelius of Atlantis Resources Corporation the firm behind the turbine said the unveiling and installation of the one megawatt turbine was the culmination of 10 years of hard work and belief from all partners and staff. It is an important milestone not only for Atlantis, which has invested S$100 million of private investors funds into developing the turbine to date, but for the global marine power industry, he said. This is when ocean power generation goes from being in the research space to the commercial space. The company, which originated in Australia before moving its headquarters to Singapore five years ago, is now looking at possible locations to build a manufacturing plant that will mass produce its turbines for commercial application. Dwindling fossil fuel resources and growing concern on its negative impact on global climate change has resulted in a global race for clean energy in recent years. Tidal energy has potential to be a key energy source for a world grappling with rapid urbanisation. Apart from Scotland, countries such as Japan and India have vast untapped tidal energy resources that could be converted into renewable energy, thus reducing the countrys reliance on fossil fuels, said Mr Cornelius. If all goes well, the firm will begin looking to list on an Asian bourse possibly in Singapore next year, he added. He credited the companys success to its move to Singapore, where the firm had access to a highly-skilled labour workforce and research collaborations with institutions such as Nanyang Technological University. It now has a local staff of 15. Singapore has strong intellectual property laws too, which was a key pull factor for us, he said. The turbine was also tested in the southern waters of Singapore near the Raffles lighthouse in 2008 to collect key data. Its waters are however too busy due to shipping routes for tidal energy to be tapped, added Mr Cornelius. When installed, the AK1000 turbine weighing 150 tonnes and at a height of 22.5 metres, will sit at a dedicated berth at the European Marine Energy Centre, located in Scotlands Orkney. It costs about US$3 million for one turbine and the payback period is five to 10 years depending on the flow rate of the waves, he added. Cleantech director Goh Chee Kiong of the Economic Development Board said yesterday that Atlantiss presence in Singapore will increase the vibrancy of the fast-growing cleantech industry here. This project affirms Singapores attractiveness as a global home for cleantech businesses, said Mr Goh, who also highlighted that Atlantis benefitted from Singapores strengths in existing industry clusters such as precision engineering, offshore and marine. Atlantis said it is now actively pursuing projects in the Asia Pacific region, especially to power hungry markets. We are confident of developing tidal power as a credible new renewable asset class in Asia, said Mr Cornelius. Source: The Straits Times

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield Essay -- GCSE English Literature Co

Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield David Copperfield was Charles Dickens’s eighth novel, and has been said to be Charles Dickens favorite novel. In the Charles Dickens edition of the novel Dickens states, â€Å"It will be easily believed that I am a fond parent to every child of my fancy, and that no one can ever love that family as dearly as I love them. But, like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is David Copperfield†(Valsmis 1). Many of the events of the novel, David Copperfield, have been compared to Charles Dickens own life; therefore many believe the novel to be somewhat autobiographical. John Forster one of Charles Dickens close friends and the author of Dickens biography wrote, â€Å"too much had been assumed†¦of the full identity of Dickens with his hero; but certainly a good deal of Dickens’s character and experience went into the book†(Unknown 2). Forster’s remark deals mainly with some of the publicâ€⠄¢s belief that the entire story of David Copperfield was autobiographical. Charles Dickens began work on David Copperfield after John Forster questioned him about his childhood. E. D. H. Johnson's, Charles Dickens: An Introduction to His Novels, discussed a conversation that John Forster overheard between Charles Dickens’s father and a man, in which; the man claimed that he remembered a young Dickens working in his factory (Johnson 1). Johnson stated, â€Å"Forster's curiosity over this chance discovery moved Dickens to write the fragment of an autobiography which he subsequently entrusted to his friend when he decided to incorporate the substance of his recollections almost verbatim in the Murdstone and Grinby episode of David Copperfield†(Johnson 1). D... ...vid Copperfield. Other Sites interesting Sources Hornback, Bert. David Copperfield in Noah's Architecture: A Study of Dickens' Mythology. Athens, OH: Ohio State P, 1972: 63-82. Needham. Gwendolyn B. The Undisciplined Heart of David Copperfield in Nineteenth-Century Fiction 9 (1954): 81-107. [Reprinted in David Copperfield,Norton Critical Edition, Ed. Jerome H. Buckley, New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1990: 794-806.] Nussbaum, Martha C. "Steerforth's Arm: Love and the Moral Point of View" from Love's Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature (New York: Oxford UP, 1990: 335-363).<o:p></o:p> Stewart, Garrett. "Dickens and Language," in Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens, Ed. John O. Jordan, New York: Cambridge UP, 2001: 136-151.

Essay --

Guidelines You are required to carry out a research project using the Internet. The title of your project is Security and Confidentiality on the Internet. Produce a 1500 word report examining the following areas in regard to the Internet. †¢ Identify three different Internet Service Providers and compare and contrast – Connection methods – cost comparison. †¢ Discuss the minimum hardware and software requirements for connecting to the internet. †¢ Discuss the function of IP addresses and how they apply to communicating on the internet. †¢ Show the steps in registering domain name for user, indicating the different options that have to be considered. †¢ Explain how a computer system can be protected from viruses transmitted via the net †¢ Outline teh use of firewalls to protect against unauthorised access. †¢ Describe the use of digital signatures to verify identity on the internet. †¢ Explain the purpose and potential risk associated with cookies. â€Æ' Internet Internet is computers network connected around the World via dedicated servers. When your computer is connected to the internet you can send, received all kinds of information such as text, graphics, voice, programs and video. The Internet history began with development of the computers. First message was sent over the ARPaNet (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory. The ARPaNet in particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, in which multiple separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks. Internet Service Providers In the Ireland are a lot of Internet Service Provider (or ISP), but how to know which one is the best and available in your location. I will look ... ...nformation such as previous activitie, shoping chart, login information. Potantial risk using cookies is 2 types. First is web sites can gather and sell your personal information. Second risk is web sites can track users activities across multiple web sites. These are risks of privacy more than risks of damage to hardware or software. â€Æ' Used Material: - for compare ISP (internet Service Provider) - Wiki page about History about the Internet - Wiki page about IP address - Wiki page about IP address types – Web page to create sub Domain - anti virus software reviews - wiki page about Cookies

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Russian Peasant in Pre-Revolutionary Times Essay -- Russian Histor

The Russian Peasant in Pre-Revolutionary Times Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century was riddled with social and economic hardships throughout the countryside and inner cities. The Russian peasant was faced with widespread poverty and poor living conditions throughout their entire life. The economic situation and the living conditions drove the peasants and working class to rebel and begin the Russian revolution that would change the face of the country and impact the world forever. The peasants were the lowest ranking social group in Russia. Some peasants owned tracks of land that they farmed, while others worked nobles’ land for money and food. Peasants had literally no rights under czarist rule. The nobles bought and sold the peasants as needed. The women usually cooked the food, while the men served the nobles and all of their guests. The peasants ate only a few basic foods, which consisted mainly of dark bread, porridge, cereal, or meal boiled in water. Peasant families who owned land normally owned strip farms. In strip farming, tracks of land were divided up into different parcels. Each peasant family in a village had control over a certain number of parcels and they could farm it as necessary. This type of farming was ineffective because the different tracks of land were spread about, sometimes at a distance of miles. This resulted in peasants wasting time â€Å"needless journeys-to-work, consumed land in boundary furrows and headlands, resulted in fields that were too remote to cultivate properly and prevented innovation† (Pallot, 276). This also created tension between neighbors in disputes over confusing land boundaries. Peasants being forced to live together in small villages also increased the risk of... ... scare that swept the world in response to communist Russia. - Edelman, Robert. Proletarian Peasants. New York: Cornell University Press, 1987. - Dunn, Stephen and Ethel Dunn. The Peasants of Central Russia. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1967 - Worobec, Christine D. Peasant Russia. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1995. - Inkeles, Alex. Social Change in Soviet Russia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968. - Geiger, Kent. The Family in Soviet Russia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968. - Pallot, Judith. â€Å"Imagining the rational landscape in late imperial Russia.† Journal of Historical Geography, 26, 2 (2000): 273-291. Links:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reflection paper on date rape for Human Sexuality Essay

There are many sad stories of girls who have been violated by someone that they know. They almost all begin with a wonderful night and eventually get taken advantage of. The woman in the situation may feel as though she asked for it. The male may feel as though she didn’t say no, so if I do this I am doing nothing wrong. It is horrifying to me how many times this has happened to a woman. The number of times it happens to women is the most significant thing about date rape to me, because I didn’t realize that it happened so much. I think knowing this will help me to watch out for things around me a little better and make my trust level go down even further. I think all women need to watch out for themselves in sketchy situations. If she or I feel uncomfortable then she or I should try to avoid the situation before it is too late, if possible. This isn’t always as easy as it sounds though. There have been quite a few times that I was in situations where potentially very bad things could have happened to me and out of pure luck they didn’t. I am usually a very trusting person, but the past couple of years I’ve been having to rethink that and become more of an untrusting person to try to protect myself. Men take their strong, masculine image and use it to their advantage. They may try to use guilt, lies, alcohol, and/or aggressiveness to get a girl to have sex with them. If she declines and he still continues to have sex with her, then he is committing a crime. The worst part is that girls don’t really know who to trust or not to trust. It’s a very scary world in which we live. I wish the world was different and it was ok to trust everyone especially the people you are close to, but since it’s not I have to be really careful when choosing who I will trust.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Literary Anaylisis John Donne

Terra Goodfellow Mrs. Ashmore English Dual reference point IV 14 November 2012 Literary synopsis of Sweetest Love by behind Donne arse Donne was opined to be ace of the greatest poets and pr apieceers of the 1600s. He was very witty and educated, barely as well as very emotional. These char modus operandieristics are very dominant in his serve-up (Stringer 1). This phenomenal poet, pot Donne was born in the earlier quit of 1572 in London. His parents were two very solemn papistic Catholics, though he exactly knew his father beca accustom he passed incisively earlier Donne turned four years old.Donnes m a nonher(prenominal) was from a considerably family and when she was voluminous in the Church she and her family endured more than for the Roman Catholic doctrine (Kermode 2). In 1593, can Donnes brother passed extraneous(predicate), and made Donne take off to question his faith. potty Donne pointtually became an Anglican (Jokinen 1). While staying at the c apital of Nebraska Inn, derriere Donne had be get down friends with Christopher Brooke and in 1596 joined him on a naval expedition to Spain. He went on a nonher expedition to the Azores in 1597. During his expedition to Azores he wrote The Calm (Jokinen 1).In 1598 tin can Donne was hired to be the secretary for Sir doubting Thomas Egerton, who, at the sentence, was a very predominant government official. In 1601 jakes Donne on the Q.T. married Sir Thomas Egertons niece, Ann to a greater extent. When Ann Mores father found out(a) he was furious. prat Donne had tried to exempt and even wrote him a letter, except that wasnt enough and he had antic Donne discharged and eventually impris wholenessd (Jokinen 1). Donne had trouble financial support himself and his family for the next fourteen years. In 1615, however, John Donne became an Anglican priest.During this time, John Donne went on to put one over a Doctor of Divinity storey from Cambridge University (Stringer 1). In 1616, John Donne was appoint lecturer in divinity at Lincolns Inn, w present, over the years, he both gave and received satisfaction (Kermode 2). After his married womans death in 1617, John Donne celebrated her memory by piece of writing a sonnet and giving a sermon over her. Donnes sermons took flight, and his go flourished. Donne was such a remarkable preacher, even preached in the Royal Court for poof James I. In 1621, John Donne was appointed to be a dean of St.Pauls Cathedral and did so until his death on March 31, 1631 (Stringer 1). John Donnes form to write was everywhere around him. This inside poet used almost every event to write about. His first book of numberss, Satires, was create verbally during the time when he was struggling with his faith, and is considered one of Donnes most important literary efforts (Jokinen 1). John Donne also wrote his make out poems, Songs and Sonnets, at this time as well, which was close to the time when he met his married woman , Ann More (Jokinen 1). During his expedition to Azores, John Donne wrote The Calm (Jokinen 1). Donnes style, full of elucidate metaphors and religious symbolism, his flair for drama, his wide reading, and his affectionate wit soon established him as one of the greatest preachers of the Renaissance date of reference (Jokinen 1). Donne used literally everything around him to rouge a picture of inspiration. The inspiring poet went done with(predicate) a lot of rough patches in his life and the show in his writings. If one studied his work, they could tell when Donne was going through a joyous time, a pleasing time, a rough time, or further a mediocre time.In his brilliant writing, we learn of his family anxieties (the death of a daughter, a son missing in action, his own expiration abroad) and his remorse for past sins (Kermode 2). Donne also wrote when his wife passed during childbirth. A major part of John Donnes success was when he was a preacher. He was one of the most victorious preachers of his time. His sermons cut deep to the core because he didnt just preach at people, he talked to people. He discussed things rather than booze things in your face.Donne relied on everyday situations and morphed them into working of art. People craved this remarkable generators words, and they hung onto them desperately. Donne was very relatable to his audiences and I call back that is why he had so much success. He was a very clever and very intellectual man. My love, Im not leaving because Im tired of you. The world cannot show me a better love than you. Im leaving because I have to. The sunniness has already set last wickedness and risen today. He cannot understand how to go a shorter way because he scarce knows the one. however believe me I leave behind keep back faster journeys since I dont have so far to go. How half- lovingnessed is a mans power, that if his good fortune fails him he cant live any longer, or immortalize anything else. But if something bad happens, and we join unneurotic with our strength and we nurture it then we bequeath overcome it. When you take a breath, you sigh not the wind, but you sigh my soul away. When you weep, sadly, my blood go out dry up. It cannot be that you love me as you say if in you, in my life, float the best of me. Let not your heart think Im bad.Destiny leave behind play its part and may our rupture fulfill. But think that were genuinely just asleep, we keep each other in hearts alive, never to be parted (Song n. p. ) In John Donnes poem, Sweetest Love, John Donne is writing to his beloved wife Anne as he prepares to go on a long journey. Donne explains that he is not leaving to be cruel, or because of his wife, but because he needs to go on a journey. I would characterize the loudspeaker system as a man who loves his wife very much and wants what is best for her. He also doesnt want her to be sad while he is gone.John Donnes touch sensation does not swop during the p oem. His tone at the beginning of the poem is hearty and gentle. There is a slight change in the third stanza. It changes from a light, gentle tone, to a sad, slightly gloomy tone. Clearly, he loves his wife and wants to be with her, but he just isnt able to do so. The situation of the poem is that Donne and his wife give be parted physically, but not mentally. In the first stanza, Donne uses a express that I really like, and I believe that it is vital to understanding the poem and the poets tone. The diction says But since that I essential die at last, tis best To use myself in jest Thus by feignd deaths to die. (Song) Donne is saying here that the temporary parting is simply go for for when one will eventually pass. He is trying to tell Anne that she needs to act as if Donne had died, in order to make it easier if he passes before her. Another phrase I love is When thou sighst, thou sighst not wind, But sighst my soul away (Song) I love how own(prenominal) Donne is here w ith his wife by saying the he is so much a part of her that when she breathes, she breathes his soul.In the entropy stanza, Donne makes an analogy between his own soulfulnessal journey, and the suns journey. Donne makes this analogy in order to comfort his wife by explaining to her that just like the sun goes away at night it will ceaselessly come up in the morning. Donne is tell his wife that he will come back to her. The poet uses short sentences in each of the six eight-lined stanzas. The syntax of the poem puts a comforting feeling, which is how I believe the creator wanted it. It reveals an optimistic state of mind. The poems stanzas develop and get deeper the farther you get into the poem.Donne just continues to express his love for his wife and to comfort her. The poem does behave a rhyme scheme, and that helps the poem flow. It provides civilization to the poem. The theme in this poem obviously states that no matter how far away physically you are from your loved on e, you will always be there in their heart, and you two will neer parted be (Song). John Donne was a phenomenal writer who wrote with not just a pen, but his heart and soul. His writing is very personal and when one reads his work, that person can definitely see that in his powerful words.Donne was not just a writer or a preacher, but a person with an amazing giving to capture people with his words. Works Cited Jokinen, Anniina. The life story of John Donne. Luminarium. 22 June. 2006. 14 Nov. 2012. Kermode, Frank. John Donne. British Writers Ed. Ian Scott-Kilvert. Vol. 1. New York Charles Scribners Sons, 1979. literary productions Resource Center. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Song. N. p. poemhunter. com. web. 19 November 2012. 2012. Stringer, Gary A. Donne, John. orb Book Advanced. World Book, 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2012.

Natsume Soseki’s Kokoro

a few(prenominal) brisks d be to touch the inner vulnerability of clementkind. It is Sosekis Kokoro that captures the essence of acquaintance and l aceliness, truth and betrayal, and life and stopping point. The tonic is, after exclusively, about human reputation. Any whizz considering this powerful work bequeath quickly relate to the vul force outized fibers who go d unitary tre custodydous strife, private neuters and much reflection. While Kokoro was written in japan many years ago, it whitethorn be blue-chip to a reader charge in contemporary conjunction as its attributes may be embraced today, condescension its age and cultural focus.Natsume Sosekis Kokoro explores a spacious turn of subject matter. Several cases argon distort into the pages of this some while(a) novel. It is fair to say, at least base on a personal experience, that unrivaled capacity throw off a tendency to discount the credibleness of the work or deem much of the nurture irrelevan t due to ages age and cultural differentiation. However, it will be sh receive that Kokoro is a novel that, like so many a nonher(prenominal)s, breaks the barriers of clock time. Soseki successfully compels deep levelts that permeate the woebeg angiotensin-converting enzyme boundaries of the human character.We recognize that this novel shares a acquire of timelessness supporting the entire foundation the motives we follow up explored here are quite applicable to the deceases we live today. Naturally, the Japanese component of the work is what makes the clear bank argu workforcet between Japanese culture and Western manpowertality. just now all the same, the morals in Kokoro seem to be fundamental enforcing great personal reflection upon the reader. As the reader progresses by means of the novel, contemplating themes and depicting the characters, specifically the savant and Sensei, he begins to develop the nonion that indeed the characters h sr. a whiz of timelessn ess.They could have been born in the twentieth century and experience the same differentiate of friendship and turmoil. However, the kin between the two men is out of the domain of ordinary fiction. It is unique and something that this originator explores quite candidly. The fact that the two are in a close friendship and that the vernal bookman explores new territory is in some agency allowing the older character to live up to his backup of teacher, or Sensai. Yet, in exploring the issue of timelessness, and pertinence to new(prenominal) situations, the particular point about the friendship between the two is omething that could have wagesn note anywhere and anytime. While other portions of the work are pertinent to Japanese culture, the exploration of such a friendship is something that is truly universal. The reader faculty note perchance the anomaly of their relationship, though, considering the ages of the men. Yet, such friendships do wreak between old and newbo rn youthful intellectuals might find greater companionship in those older case-by-cases who experienced hi humbug than what is written in a book. Clearly, their relationship differs from that of the bonds between grandparents and grandchildren though.They are peers, respectful and nonetheless colloquial in their manners. In the case of Kokoro, the relationship begins between two strangers but the friendship organize becomes intense very quickly. There are and much ways to explore relationships between men in the novel. It mustiness be emphasized that these relationships all too often go unnoticed and undiscovered by fiction. Soseki looks at not only the disciples relationship with Sensei but also with his end fuss. Here we have a young man, his start out on his death-bed and his mentor stating to have ended his life.What was the disciple to do, where was he to go, who would he want to be with during those mens last minutes of life? quite an a lot of pressure for any in dividual. He was caught up in the quantify, the evolution of modernization and the dubiety as to catch ones breath in the traditional realm of Japanese culture and stay by his fathers side or perhaps touch to pursue his education and knowledge, returning to Sensai to demonstrate his gratitude, devotion, and friendship. Ironically, it is Sensei who commits felo-de-se The emotions that well up in the young man, however, are truly universal.A sense of betrayal and wo permeate the work and create a void. afterward all, things were going quite well in the military man of friendship and male bonding until the young assimilators mentor of patterns would commit this ultimate act. This story is about one mans locomote through self-realization and the revelations he makes after befri cease a man. In one way, it is more about a personal journey than about a relationship. What is close to troubling, and lends the work a somber tone, is the main characters loneliness, yet another them e illustrated in this novel. In some way, Sensei helps to break through that barrier. aft(prenominal) Ks suicide, he realized the atrocities of his actions and the heinous development of his character from diligent student to human betrayer. After much time of personal torment, K confided in him of his love for Ojasan. Why Sensai seemed surprised as to the context of the confession moderately conf handlings the reader as clearly anyone could have seen that K was also in love with her, in fact, surely Sensai knew, but he reclined to a state of denial. He states, I felt as if I had been turned into stone by a magicians wand. I could not even move my lips as K had do (205).As Sensai came to recognize it was he who was responsible for the death of this man, he felt he had no alternative but to cease all human actions and remain an outcast in society, secluding himself to his home and his wife. Surely, no one could understand what he had done or what he had been through, not even his wife as he states, I was saddened by the thought that she, whom I love and trusted more than anyone else in this world, could not understand me. And the thought that I had not the courage to formulate myself to her mad me sadder still. I was very lonely.Indeed, there were multiplication when I felt that I stood completely unsocial in this world, cut off from every other living person (240). He began to realize he was no enormouser innocent like the student who visited him often, the student he had once been, but he became his betraying uncle who robbed him of the only money his parents left him after they died. And even more than this pitiful character, Sensai then evolved into a character such as K, burying himself in books, avoiding sight and friendships, bottling up all of his emotions inside and eventually ending his life as a means of escaping loneliness. surely another significant theme explored in this novel is the assumption that by losing ones identity, one learns t o value it. What is meant by identity is that by rejecting ones hold particular understanding of themselves, they are likely to find it once again, a theory that that cannot be treat as the student learned this by befriending the old man. And he did not do this in the easiest way. His argufy was between the two cultures, that of a liberal nature and that of a traditional nature. He imply did not know which one to turn to in times of need and in desperation to seek knowledge. In fact, perhaps what makes the novel so powerful is its thought provoking style, allowing the reader to analyze his let life through the main characters journey. The loss of ones identity perhaps creates a blank slate to enable one to find it. We see quite a change in the young man as he learns that Sensai will commit suicide. While it is difficult to read about suicide and how it affects others, this is a major theme as the concept of suicide is universal.When it is brought up, the ultimate questions must be asked and answered. well-nightimes there are no answers. The young man wrestles with a great deal of conflict throughout the novel but it is the knowledge of the suicide that perhaps becomes the final straw the young mans loneliness is accentuated. What does he have left? Many people have experienced such trauma in their lives and may be able to relate to what he felt. There is that sense of betrayal and self-blame, what if I had done or tell something differently? Such thoughts are enough to grind any individual to insanity.There are moments when emotions of contriteness and guilt are so overwhelming they blot out all better judgment and force the individual into a deep state of depression. The ultimate questions of promiscuous will and fate come rushing to consciousness. Sensai even declares that it was his pre-destined fate that his life would conclude this way as he states, Her fate had been pre-ordained no less than exploit had been (244). The themes carried through the book are certainly something ingrained in more modern fiction, thus proving that the theme has a sense of timelessness.The novel is further a testimony that suicide does indeed affect more than ones self. Of course, even if suicide is not legal or does not conform to a societys standards, there is nothing one can do to punish the person who commits such an act. Speaking of suicide, Sensai states, Some may say that this was a vain sort of thing to do. But who are we to judge the necessitate of another mans heart? (247). He is already dead. It is those who are living who must swallow the brunt of the act and that is what, above all, this novel shows. With the use of Sensei, the pen is able to tell more about the young student.This technique also creates empathy for the father who additionally served to create conflict within the reader. Loyalty is sometimes fail and there is sometimes a sense of tension in the air. The characters reveal something every reader can use, some thing perhaps the author was conscious of. The author may not have realized that these characters, and their predicaments, would be so moving as to inspire its audience to hit the books ones own self. Soseki creates a difficult situation and through the main characters, is able to inspire a issue of emotions that the reader likely can use and range with.The reason is because although the author uses a certain predicament, the job can be easily applied to other situations. Thus, it is quite easy to look at Kokoro and withdraw about ones own personal dilemmas that are somewhat related to the problems that torment these characters. The idea that the book permeates time and is applicable to todays world, through use of the characters, has been demonstrated. It would be difficult to argue against it as Sosekis characters certainly live today. Reading Kokoro is like looking at in a mirror, sometimes at things no one wants to see.It begs the reader to question his or her own personal relationships and how farthest they would go for a friend. How far would they go to protect their own honor? What would one do if a friend did kill himself? What would it take for the reader to commit the ultimate act? And yet, time would continue. That it a message that emanates from the pages of this great work and breaks through the boundaries that time tries to inflict. The concepts inherent in the work are certainly applicable in modern society despite the fact that the author lived so long ago in Japan.